Shangdong International Summer School
July 1 - July 31
NOTE: Current dates are approximate.
The Shandong International Summer School reveals what is beautiful and legendary about China. This four-week program is a robust study of Chinese language and culture, which you will undertake with students from all over the world.
The program is divided into four modules that provide a multi-faceted look at China. The Chinese language module will improve your speaking and writing skills through song, drama, calligraphy and social outings in addition to classroom learning. The culture module covers archaeological studies and ancient Chinese history, Confucianism, folk customs, and traditional art and music. Your culture studies will also take you on field trips to two UNESCO World Heritage sites – Qufu (Confucius’ hometown) and Mountain Taishan – as well as Qingdao, Weifang (The Kite City), and Beijing.
A third module will cover contemporary China: social issues facing the nation, development of its economy, Chinese law, intellectual property and human rights, and Chinese food and tea culture. Some of the more hands-on aspects of your learning include touring Qingdao Beer Factory or Haier Corporation, visiting a social welfare organization, and volunteering in Jinan. The last module will have you try your hand at Chinese folk art such as flower arranging, paper cutting, and cooking special dishes.
Discover your taste for trying new things, all while earning credits toward your degree! Getting to know China takes a lifetime, but Shandong International Summer School condenses a true wealth of content and experiences into one trip.
Program Specific Eligibility Requirements
Open to students of all backgrounds.
See the How to Apply page for general CLIC eligibility criteria.
Application Procedure
Apply with your home university to receive your travel grant.
Complete an application with the China Scholarship Council.
Complete an online registration form with CLIC: https://clic-horizons.symplicity.com.
Application Deadline
Travel grant deadlines vary for Canadian universities. Check with your home university CLIC contact.
Application with the China Scholarship Council application and CLIC online registration. Check our How to Apply webpage.
College of International Education (CIE)
Shandong University
27 Shanda Nanlu,
Jinan, P.R.China 250100
+86-531-88364535, +86-531-88565623
[email protected]