PKU International Summer School
June 30 - July 25
No matter where you are in your academic journey, you can design a summer program that’s as enriching as it is exciting! Peking University Summer School offers a wide variety of courses ranging from poetry to computer science. This program is open to all faculties, and to both graduate and undergraduate students.
Peking University, with its stunning garden campus, is one of China’s oldest universities. It’s located in the Haiden Distinct of Beijing, and from here you’ll explore many facets of Chinese culture. This program offers beginner level Chinese language classes alongside courses in philosophy, humanities, literature, economics, politics, international relations, and sports. Graduate level courses delve into topics including sociology, urban and environmental studies, and space sciences. Weekend trips organized by the program will have you visiting many important and fascinating sites; students enjoy touring the Great Wall, wandering famous Hutongs, and taking in amazing acrobatic shows.
Field trips provide just some of the memorable moments you can cultivate. Peking University has a reputation for creating a highly social and hospitable atmosphere for international students. Program assistants and teaching assistants are there to help you navigate your studies, and student clubs arrange fun social activities such as dumpling making and Mahjong game nights. Enroll at Peking University to augment your education with China’s unique perspective!
See here for more information: http://pkuiss.wiiyun.com
Program Specific Eligibility Requirements
Open to students of all backgrounds.
See the How to Apply page for general CLIC eligibility criteria.
Application Procedure
Apply with your home university to receive your travel grant.
Complete an application with the China Scholarship Council.
Complete an online registration form with CLIC: https://clic-horizons.symplicity.com.
Complete an application with Peking University. Please note that there will be application fees to this program.
Application Deadline
Travel grant deadlines vary for Canadian universities. Check with your home university CLIC contact.
Application with the China Scholarship Council application and CLIC online registration. Check our How to Apply webpage.
Office of International Relations, International Students Division
Room 335, New Sun Student Center
Peking University
Beijing, P. R. China 100871
[email protected]